This is me!

I had just set up my tent for the Mountain View Vintage Market! I met so many new friends that day. Find me there again this year!

My space at BVA Mercantile!

Located at 206 W. Depot Street in downtown Bedford, VA! Come see us! Open Fridays, 12-5 and Saturday, 10-3 pm!

My Story

I love to hear people’s life stories!   Hearing how people lives have come full circle is so intriguing!   So, if you are like me and love to hear, sit down, grab a cup of tea and follow me…

One week after I graduated from college with my bachelors in computer science, I married my high school sweetheart.  It was May 29, 2004.  That was and will always be the best day of my life, aside from the day my babies were born.   I got my dream job as a webmaster (that was a thing then when the internet was still fresh) for a publishing company in Roanoke, VA!   I loved my job. Designing content for websites to match what was being published in print was fun!   Two years later,  I became pregnant with boy/girl twins!  It was two months before my due date and my work future was weighing heavy on my mind.  I had weighed the pros and cons of beginning a business from home vs. continuing the drive to my job which was about an hour away.   That Sunday, we had a guest preacher speak at our church.  I can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was as if God was telling me exactly what to do.. and that was to begin my own web business from home.   So, I did.  So, for 16 years and three babies later, I enjoyed building websites for so many clients.  It allowed me to be flexible with the kid’s school and sports schedules while also being at home when I needed to be.    I never once advertised.  When one job finished, the Lord would bless me with the next.

And then… Covid hit.    A little bit of panic struck.  So much sickness, but what could I possibly do?    There was a call for anyone who could make masks, to do so.  So, I pulled out my sewing machine that I stored in my office and along with my two daughters, we got busy.  Over the course of 1.5 years, we made over 2000 masks, many of those were donated to local hospitals.    It was during this time that I rediscovered my love for sewing.  I learned as a young girl how to sew by watching my mom make tiny bunnies and bears, day in and day out, for her craft business called “Carols Critters.”  I don’t remember her specifically showing me how.. I just picked it up!   Something I credit God with!     With this newfound love for sewing coupled with the fact that that my website business had slowed down, I prayed and asked God what was next.

My answer was “All Good Things”!   James 1:17 tells us that  “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change”.   This verse played in the back of my mind so often as I thought of all my blessings in my life.   And, so, I decided that I would bring glory to God by using my gifts to make things that would glorify Him.. recognizing that each gift I was given was from above.

I developed the “Snap-It” idea one Saturday afternoon.  I had been cleaning out our storage room in our basement and was baffled by how many throw pillows I had.  I thought, “Why does anyone need this many pillows?!”  At that moment, the lightbulb sparked and I began thinking how nice it would be to have one or two pillows and just change the graphic from them for each new season… and so arrived, the Snap-It Pillow and Graphics!   With this new idea, I quickly realized I could fulfill my love for graphic design and sewing in one product!

I hope to continue to grow this little seed of mine and share it with you all every step of the way!

MVVM 2023

My space at the Mountain View Vintage Market in October 2023!